Name | Street | Town | State | From | To |
Harpers Ferry Armory |   | Harpers Ferry | Virginia | est. 1798 | 1861 |
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1798 established as the New Nation's Southern Armory or United States Armory and Arsenal at
Harpers Ferry. In 1802 the Armory employed only 25 hands and arrived at about 400 in 1859. As of 1805 all pistols were made there. In 1810 the annual production arrived about 10000 arms. Pistols.54 caliber smoothbore, flintlock pistol, 10 1/6" round barrel, lock plate marked Harpers Ferry 1806 and Eagle with US, less that 30 seems being made1806, left side 1806, right side Muskets and Rifles.69 caliber flintlock, Model 1795 U.W. Flintlock Musket, smoothbore barrel with Bayonet lug, about 70000 made between 1795 and 1814U.S. Model 1795 Harpers Ferry Type II musket left side right side .54 caliber flintlock, Model 1803 U.S. Flintlock Rifle, 33 1/2" barrel, 4023 made from 1803 - 1807 Model 1803 and 1814, drawing of parts .54 caliber, single shot flintlook U.S. Pistol, Model 1805, manufactured from 1805 to 1808 Made in 1808, right side .54 caliber flintlock, Model 1814 U.S. Flintlock Rifle, 11680 made from 1814 - 1820, this was nothing else than the Model 1803 Model however, due to exigencies of the War of 1812 the production of this model was resumed in 1814. The barrel was increased to 36" in 1815 Model 1814 with 36" barrel, right side .69 caliber flintlock, Model 1816 U.S. Flintlock Musket, smoothmore barrel with Bayonet lug about 350000 made from 1816 to 1844. Between 1840 and 1860 a part of these muskets had been converted to Percussion by private contractors. Three Types of the Modle 1816 are reported Model 1816 Type I Made until 1822, finished with both bright and browned parts, lower sling swivel was fixed to a stud in front of the trigger guard Model 1816 Type II Made from 1822 to 1831, finished with browned parts, lower sling swivel was riveted to the trigger guard itself drawing of the parts of the 2nd Type Model 1816 Model 1816 Type III also known as National Armory Bright Made form 1831 to 1840, bright finished of all parts, some small improvements as a ball-shaped section to trigger guard where it was drilled for the lower sling swivel Pattern of the 1835 Model, 24 flintlock muskets had been made stamped behind the cock HARPERS/FERRY/1835. All parts were stamped USM or M and therefore muskets made upon these pattern are now known as Model 1835 Some modifications of the Model 1835 were made as of lock, screws, barrel shortened to 42", position of the barrel band, butt were 0.7" longer. These guns became known as Model 1840 .54 caliber percussion, Model 1841 U.S. Rifle, "Mississippi Rifle", 33" round barrel, production was 25296 between 1846 and 1855. This is reported in .56 caliber, right side Modle 1841 drawing of parts .58 caliber, Model 1841 U.S. Percussion Rifle (National Armory alteration - barrel rebored to .58 caliber), total 8879 altered bewteen 1855 and 1860 by Harpers Ferry and Springfield Armory. .69 caliber percussion, Model 1842 U.S. Musket, 42" round smoothbore barrel, about 103000 manufactured between 1844 and 1855. .69 caliber percussion, Model 1842 U.S. Rifle Musket. Total production was about 14182 made from 1856 to 1859 by Harpers Ferry and Springfield Armory. .58 caliber percussion, Model 1855 U.S. Percussion Rifle-Musket, 40" round barrel, about 12158 produced at Harpers Ferry between 1857 and 1861. |